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  3. 兰迪单枪匹马
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类型:剧情 更新时间:1934-01-01
地区:美国 导演:Harry L·Fraser
人物:约翰·韦恩 Alberta Vaughn 乔治·海耶斯 亚基马·坎纳特 Earl Dwire Artie Ortego George 'Gabby' Hayes Tex Phelps Horace B·Carpenter Tommy Coats Herman Hack Murdock MacQuarrie Perry Murdock Tex Palmer Mack V·Wright Yakima Canutt
简介:Bandits led by Matt the Mute enter a bar and kill multiple people. Randy Bowers comes to town and is framed by Matt the Mute, who is working with the sheriff, who doesn't know that Matt is really a criminal. Matt the Mute writes out everything he wants to say. Randy escapes with the help of Sally Rogers, the niece of the dead owner of the bar. Bowers runs from the sheriff, and ends up in the cave in which the bandits have their hideout. They kidnap Sally, who escapes with the help of Bowers. Matt the Mute is killed when he enters the bar, which is filled with explosives, and the niece marries Randy.