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  4. 偷月情2
类型:伦理片 年代:1995
标签:正片 地区:美国
导演:Farhad,Mann 演员:美琳达·克拉克,John,Clayton,Schafer,路易丝·弗莱彻,温蒂戴唯思,约戈·康斯坦丁,莫莉·香侬,Montrose,Hagins,Bill,Hollis,Richard,Keats,詹姆斯·T.卡拉汉,David,Dunard,Brian,Sanders,Suzanne,Ircha,Pamela,West
简介:Savannah Delongpre is a wealthy fashion model living in New York City who returns to her small town in Georgia to visit her wealthy grandmother Belle as well as walk down memory lane to remember her childhood with some of her friends still living there. During that time, Savannah meets Jake Gilbert a rugged drifter/artist living on the property called Two Moon Junction owned by...